Digitization and circular economy on stagewith PlasticFinder

PlasticFinder (www.plasticfinder.eu) is participating as speaker at the AMI conference “Polymers Sourcing and Distribution” taking place at Barcelona on May 13-15, 2019.

Among main conference themes, a special focus is dedicated to two major issues that even the plastics industry is starting to address concretely.


On the one hand, the "digital innovation in industry", a topic that involves production, energy saving (Industry 4.0), supply chain and sale & procurement of raw materials, and on the other hand the “circular economy”, according to which all resources must be used properly and as best as possible, to minimize waste and push towards reuse and recycle (Use-Reduce-ReCycle).


In particular, the digitization of the supply chain would represent a crucial junction for the entire sector because it could generate significant improvements in the processes and products offered. We are moving towards a path that could lead to a completely integrated management of procurement, production and distribution, with the aim of creating a single integrated ecosystem.


But is it possible to combine two major issues such as digitization and the circular economy? PlasticFinder’s aim is to activate a debate on this during the international conference “Polymers Sourcing and Distribution”, organized by AMI, scheduled in Barcelona on May 13-15.


"With PlasticFinder - the CEO Riccardo Parrini points out - we immediately considered necessary to use the web to help companies have a "circular behavior”. First of all, we focused on the concept of "Reduce", which means reducing the use of new products, trying to use everything that has already been produced. Precisely for this reason, the first application for which our portal was born is the possibility of re-entering on the market surplus stock coming from the whole chain (producers/distributors/converters) so that they can find a new use".


"Another fundamental focus - Parrini continues - is "ReCycle", which impacts on the processing industry both concerning its processing by-products - which, if well managed, can be new raw material for compounders and converters- and for the use of recycled plastic as a raw material. Today it is difficult to find on the market a reliable interlocutor in the distribution of recycled plastics who can advise, suggest and help testing the materials”.


Over time, PlasticFinder has become a real reference for those looking for these recycled materials such as flakes of PET, PP, PE-PP, HDPE, PS as well as technopolymers such as ABS, PC, PA, PMMA, PPS etc.


“The web has the ability to disseminate information in a simple and immediate way. For this reason it has changed our lives every day. Just think of the fact that you are no longer sending a fax but an e-mail. Holidays are booked on the Internet and no longer in the travel agency. Even houses are rented/sold through web portals. In short, every daily action is increasingly linked to data services from the web", Parrini adds. "Using the web, everyone can immediately do something concrete for the circular economy: to sell surplus or slow moving stocks, for example. For each successful transaction, among other things, an environmental benefit certificate will be issued by PlasticFinder which will certify the environmental benefit achieved through the delivery of an LCA calculation. By doing something concrete for the environment, therefore, not only can one earn, but one can also receive a certificate attesting to what good has been done".


To start immediately doing something concrete for the circular economy, sign up for free on: www.plasticfinder.eu