The answer lies in the slogan "Wir sind da"!

The gala evening, held on September 20th to celebrate 25 years of Arburg Italia, revolved entirely around people. The event was held in Castell’Arquato (near Piacenza), at Casale La Colombara, an estate that has belonged to the Noren family since the start of the last century.

And the fact that the evening was all about people was underlined, in particular, by an anecdote told by a rather emotional Bjorn Noren, founder and general manager of Arburg Italia: “When I used to make trips to Germany to discuss projects, my father, by then already an elderly man, would, for some reason or another, often accompany me. Once we got to Arburg he would immediately be ‘accosted’ by Juliane Hehl’s father, and the two would then spend the entire day together, looking at old photos and reminiscing about their lives.” He also recalled: “At the Lossburg headquarters I met an extraordinary HR manager, to whom I introduced, one by one, all the staff members I had chosen for the, then new, Italian headquarters. I well remember that at the end of that meeting, he told me I had put together a team that was, to say the least, fantastic. I recall it all as a great adventure.”

Present at the event, together with the members of the Noren family, Arburg Italia employees, and the many processors that use the moulding technology produced by this German company and benefit from the application consulting provided by its Italian subsidiary, were also Gerhard Böhm and the aforementioned Juliane Hehl, who was there to represent the family that owns the company. And the remarkable thing is that neither Böhm nor Hehl chose to talk about specific technology or the profits gained.

Naturally, mention was made of the fact that the Arburg Italia headquarters has recently doubled in size, and now occupies the Peschiera Borromeo site next to Milan’s Linate airport, and Juliane Hehl donated a plaque to commemorate the milestone anniversary, and asked that it be put up at the company headquarters.

Otherwise, however, in their speeches Gerhard Böhm, Juliane Hehl and, indeed, Bjorn Noren focused exclusively and entirely on the contribution made by the people involved – all of them: employees and, of course, customers.

Without wishing to descend into mere flattery, it has to be said that it was a real pleasure to come across people intelligent and generous enough to turn their backs on the frenetic greed that seems to characterise the times in which we now live. Noren made it quite clear that when there is a team in place, and a close-knit one at that, then results inevitably follow.

In view of all this, no one should be surprised that Arburg uses “Wir sind da” as its corporate slogan and a means of underlining the company’s proximity to its customers, wherever they are in the world. Indeed, the expression translates, quite simply, as “We are here”.