New digital platform for Industry 4.0

The Smart Industry new generation digital platform, developed by Baruffaldi Plastic Technology for Industry 4.0 allows monitoring in real time the machine operating status, and collecting statistical data about its use. These data are stored in a proprietary cloud and are available both to the machine user for productivity analysis, and to the manufacturer for maintenance and technical assistance analysis. The platform can be
consulted on any mobile device with an Internet connection.
Smart Industry will be implemented on every Baruffaldi machine and activate a new range of services for the customer such as remote machine monitoring, collection of production data and supervision, making it possible also to install and maintain the machines remotely.
The sample machine selected for developing and testing the digital platform is a Povi 5000 hydraulic punching for electrical and wiring ducts. Starting from the 4.0 services panel, the Baruffaldi software engineers studied a modular, flexible and scalable solution, first of all defining the technologies, and then designing the prototype, to which, from time to time, further services were implemented, up to the creation of the machine side section
of the platform. Once the Smart Industry platform was created and implemented on the Povi 5000 machine, tests were carried out, simulating the machine ordinary work cycles, which gave excellent results.