Arburg's 100th anniversary also celebrated in Italy

On 18 and 19 May, the Italian subsidiary of Arburg, which with its 33 years of existence and 49 employees is second only to the German parent company, opened the doors of its headquarters in Peschiera Borromeo on the outskirts of Milan to continue the celebrations of the German company's 100th anniversary in the presence of customers, partners and journalists, and to present the new Allrounder 470 H anniversary machine live in Italy. The host of the Italian subsidiary, Raffaele Abbruzzetti (left in the photo above), opened the event with a welcoming speech together with the Sales Manager of Arburg Germany, Gerhard Böhm (right in the photo above), in front of around 100 guests. The 100th anniversary of the family-owned Hehl company will be celebrated throughout 2023 with a series of events in all subsidiaries worldwide, each of which will be attended by a representative of the parent company.

"In addition to the centenary machine (photo left), in the various corners of the showroom we have the opportunity to see a little of all the services we offer. In the two training rooms, we have the service corner, where we show the original Arburg spare parts; a corner where we show the solutions for retrofitting the machines with energy-saving motors and thermal systems to insulate the plasticising cylinders; a corner where we show our remote service called ARS; and a corner where we show our ArburgXworld portal, where you can order services and spare parts online and have the possibility to use simulators of machine operation and many other applications that are updated every month. There is also a corner where we show our MES called LS. The next section of the showroom is the 3D printing area, where, in addition to the Freeformer, we have the machine that completes our product portfolio, the Innovatic filament machine. In addition to the Centennial machine, we have two other machines, a vertical machine operated by an anthropomorphic robot, the peculiarity of which is that all the very compact automation fits into the footprint of the machine, without requiring additional space in the department. The Centenary machine is equipped with a Cartesian multi-lift robot, while in order to demonstrate the full range of automation that we offer, we are exhibiting a Golden Edition with a picker, i.e. the simplest and most economical automation element which is normally used to extract the workpiece and the sprue", Abbruzzetti explained to our microphones, illustrating the rich exhibition programme that characterised the two-day open house.

The open house was also enriched by a conference programme in which various speakers addressed various topical issues. On 18 May, the focus was on human resources management, in particular on how to attract new talent and retain existing talent, and on regional incentives and the PNRR, to further boost Industry 4.0 and energy saving. On 19 May, the topics of digitalisation in injection moulding and TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) to recover production capacity and reduce waste in 'capital intensive' production systems were addressed. Arburg will be present at the next edition of Plast (scheduled to take place at Fiera Milano from 5 to 8 September) where, as Abbruzzetti anticipated, in addition to the centenary machine, two innovative applications for packaging will be presented.