"Extrusion made easy": flexibility, quality and productivity for 5-layer films

In order to take full advantage of the contemporary presence of the technologies belonging to the flexible packaging value chain, since Plast 2018 will take place together with Ipack-Ima, MeatTech, Print4All and Intralogistica Italia within The Innovation Alliance, at Plast, Macchi will display and run a 5 layers POD line which, fully complying with the rallying cry of the manufacturer based in Venegono (near Varese), “Extrusion made easy”, has been engineered to produce with the utmost quality and productivity a range of heat shrink, stretch, lamination and silage films.

Thanks to the close, continuous cooperation with Dow Chemical, who will provide the most suitable formulations for these applications, the line on display will exceed the 1000 kg/h mark, in spite of the limitations dictated by the height of the pavilions: once again, Macchi will exhibit a line engineered to guarantee maximum flexibility coupled with high productivity and high quality levels.

Close to the line, Macchi will host a Siemens information point, where its historical partner will provide the opportunity to investigate into deeper details the development which the implementation of Industry 4.0 systems will bring around, combined with the new line management software developed by the Macchi IT department.