ALLrollEX 3000 mm launched for producing stretch film

The open house held by Colines from December 4 to 6 at its facility in Marano Ticino (Novara, Italy) was a great success, appreciated by all the attendees both under technical and marketing point of view. The event launched the brand-new version of ALLrollEX 3000 mm, our cast extrusion line for the production of stretch film, and aroused interest and appreciation worldwide. During the three days of the event, held in our manufacturing facility of Marano Ticino, many customers coming from all continents have attended the "test-run" of the line.

A 12-micron film was produced as standard, with a consumption down to 0.35 kWh/kg, as evidence of the extreme sustainability of the production line. At the end of the event, the line was even tested with a production of 6-micron film, with amazing performances. Thanks to the Estl testing equipment available on site it has been possible also to appreciate in real time the high quality of the film produced.

"We have received enthusiastic feedbacks from the customers", says Gabriele Peccetti, Marketing and Sales Manager of Colines, "both for the machine performances and for the organisation of the event, which was meticulously arranged including an exclusive experience of wine and food tasting”.

"Our target - explains Gabriele Peccetti - is to replicate the event very soon, to meet the various requests we have received from customers to see the Allrollex 3000 line at work, which has already proved to have a significant impact on the market”.