• 17 December 2024

    The European Council adopted the PPWR

    On 16 December the European Council formally adopted the Regulation on packaging and packaging waste (PPWR). The new rules aim to reduce the generation of packaging waste by setting binding re-use targets, restricting certain types of single-use packaging and requiring...
  • 06 March 2024

    German plastics industry demands a fair and neutral PPWR from the EU

    GKV, German association of the plastics converters, IK, German association for plastics packaging and films, and VDMA, plastics and rubber machinery association, sent a joint message to decision-makers in the final phase of the European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). If the...
  • 21 February 2024

    The PPWR may not be in line with EU law

    In a joint press release, EuPC (European Plastics Converters), the association of European plastics converters, Elipso, the association of French plastics packaging manufacturers, and IK (Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen), the association of German plastics packaging and film manufacturers, announced that...
  • 20 December 2023

    PPWR: EU Council adopts a “general approach”

    On 18 December the European Council has reached an agreement ('general approach') on a proposal for a regulation on packaging and packaging waste. The aim is to tackle the increase in packaging waste generated in the EU, while harmonising the internal market for packaging and boosting the circular economy...
  • 05 December 2023

    European Parliament vote on PPWR does not satisfy EuPC

    “Packaging neutrality objectives and similar material circularity targets will create the level playing field that Europe really needs.” stated EuPC managing director Bernard Merkx in his first reaction to the vote pf European Parliament on PPWR. The European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the...
  • 05 December 2023

    European Parliament sends mixed signals to the bioplastics sector

    European Bioplastics (EUBP) commends the European Parliament for recognising the role of compostable plastics in achieving packaging waste prevention and reaching recycling targets. EUBP welcomes a less prescriptive approach, such as the one adopted by the European Parliament in plenary...
  • 29 November 2023

    EU vote on PPWR: common sense and scientific approach prevail

    With the approval of the amendments on the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), the European Parliament's vote on Wednesday 22 November 2023 goes in the desired direction, having accepted the proposals made forward by Italy - a leader in Europe for waste recycling capacity - on the most controversial issues of the regulation...
  • 26 July 2023

    Timmermans to leave EU Commission

    In charge of the European Green Deal from 1 December 2019, Frans Timmermans is leaving the European Commission, of which he was first vice-president since 2014, to run and campaign for the Dutch general elections scheduled for the autumn, called after the resignation of Prime Minister Frank Rutte a few days ago...