European Union

  • 09 December 2024

    Cefic welcomes the conclusion of the EU-Mercosur agreement

    The European Chemical Industry Council, Cefic, strongly welcomes the 6 December’s agreement to conclude the decades long negotiations of the EU-Mercosur agreement. The agreement marks a significant milestone in fostering free, fair, sustainable and resilient trade relations between...
  • 21 February 2024

    The PPWR may not be in line with EU law

    In a joint press release, EuPC (European Plastics Converters), the association of European plastics converters, Elipso, the association of French plastics packaging manufacturers, and IK (Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen), the association of German plastics packaging and film manufacturers, announced that...
  • 13 April 2022

    Circular Plastics Alliance approves the Plastica Seconda Vita scheme

    Among the schemes so far approved by the Circular Plastics Alliance to communicate the end destination of recycled plastics to the European Union with the aim of reusing 10 million tons by 2025, Plastica Seconda Vita is the only one originated in Italy. The figures published by IPPR...