Prize for innovation

The international idea contest known as the Plastic Technologies Award compares original applications and innovations with the principal plastics processing technologies.
The contest is organized by Promaplast Srl and - Consortium of the Milan Polytechnic - and sponsored by the Italian Association for Industrial Design (ADI). It will be held during PLAST 2012.
How to enter? Each designer/engineer (or groups thereof) can select the technology category in which they wish to participate. They then design a product concept for one of the product categories and submit the project drawings no later than January 10 to: [email protected]
The jury will choose the finalists by evaluating both the innovative content of the project and the extent to which it responds to the possibilities and constraints proper to the technology. Three winners will be chosen for the first phase of the contest, plus two winners of a special manufacturing prize for each category. The finalists will then develop their concept according to the guidelines they will be given.
The contest announcement and description of the are found on the contest website at: