PlasticsEurope's youth employment debate in European Parliament

On 4 September 2013, PlasticsEurope organised Young. Skilled. Unemployed. a high-level stakeholder meeting on youth employment, inviting EU policy and decision makers, industry leaders and students from across Europe to a half day debate held at the European Parliament in Brussels.
The debate, organised in partnership with EU40, the network of young MEPs, saw the former winners of the PlasticsEurope Youth Parliament Debates sharing their perspectives and experiences on youth employment in the current economic context.
It was moderated by Katerina Nevedalova, MEP, heard Emma McClarkin and Koos Richelle, European Commission director general of employment and social affairs, who spoke on behalf of European Commission president Barroso. Representing the plastics industry were Patrick Thomas, CEO of Bayer MaterialScience and president of PlasticsEurope, as well as Daniele Ferrari, CEO of Versalis and president of PlasticsEurope Italy.
The event reinforced PlasticsEurope's position as a reliable partner and key economic player in Europe. It was made possible through the generous support of the following member companies: Solvay, Repsol, Albis, Baerlocher and Wvok.