A new Barrierblown line for the production of 7-layer film is currently under construction at Colines in Nibbia (Novara, Italy). It features innovative...
From May 2 to 4, 2010, the first edition of Plast Alger took place at the Palais des Expositions in Algiers, in concomitance with the second edition of Printpack Alger...
Sellers in Italy are seeking price hikes ranging from 50 to 70 euros/ton for May. Although demand is not great and there is resistance at the high end...
What will be the scenario facing rubber moulders when the current economic recession ends? What strategies should they implement to recover the market...
About 300 million tires are discarded in the USA each year and more than half end up either as landfill or are burned for fuel in cement kilns and in other...