The re... cyclable lane

The Flow is a project coming from Copenhagen. It consists of modules made of recycled plastics and wood, assembled like Lego bricks, used to build a temporarily or permanently cycling lane.
Thus, those cities that aim at improving the safety of their roads with the creation of protected cycle paths (certainly much safer than those marked only by a painted stripe) can perform tests on various routes before choosing the most suitable solution: in fact, the modules can be dismantled and reassembled elsewhere and, thanks to The Flow, the construction of a kilometre costs just one tenth of a traditional cycling lane.
This project has been developed by Mikael Colville-Andersen, CEO of Copenhagenize, a company whose goal is to export the Danish expertise concerning bicycles all over the world. Colville-Andersen is also a director, photographer and author of Copenhagen Cycle Chic. The modules, however, are produced in Italy.