Women In Plastics Italy becomes an association

Women in Plastics Italy (WIP-IT) is a new association that brings together working women who - in various roles and with different skills - operate in the plastics sector. After an initial year of informal activities in which the foundations were laid for this new endeavour, now the association has been formally established with a deed of incorporation and a statute, as well as a manifesto, rules and code of ethics.
From entrepreneurs to employees, from managers to freelancers, the members are committed to respecting the values and principles of the association, aiming to a real and pervasive cultural, environmental and social change in a sector that, historically, has always been in the hands of men.
The primary goals of the association are the following: fostering a culture of inclusiveness and social and environmental sustainability; improving the image of plastic through the promotion of its most virtuous uses; encouraging contacts and relationships to create professional and supportive exchange networks between all those who will join the association and share its manifesto.
On October 29th, the first general meeting of the association was held in Cremona (Italy) with the participation of over 50 members, the first women who enthusiastically confirmed their desire to be part of this newborn association and who will be committed to promoting participation in the initiatives of the association and spreading the values of Women in Plastics Italy.
The association is open to individuals, but also to companies, other associations and entities with legal personality as supporting or aggregate members.
All members are committed to promoting the culture of sustainability in order to spread a positive image of plastic, emphasizing its essentiality and value, and to creating an inclusive and respectful work environment guaranteeing equal opportunities for everyone.
Supporting member companies are required - by equipping themselves with clear and measurable, gradual and compatible goals - to promote an inclusive culture and create an environment based on respect preventing all forms of violence, stereotypes, discrimination or prejudice, to define fair representation in governance, to guarantee equal opportunities and fair pay for employees and to develop initiatives to reconcile work and private life.
The first general meeting of Women In Plastics Italy was also the occasion for the election of the members of the board and other bodies, who will remain in office for the next term until 2028.
The participants elected Miriam Olivi as president, Erica Canaia and Clelia Petri as vice presidents, Maria Elena Veronese as secretary, Emanuela Balzanelli as treasurer.
During the event, the activities on which the group has worked in 2024 and that WIP-IT will carry out over the next year were also illustrated. The focus will be on training and informational initiatives, along with the organisation of events and courses allowing women to empower their talent, acquire awareness, but also to deepen knowledge of plastics and technological innovations geared to implementing good practices in use and recycling. Particular attention will be paid to support and training programmes for the new generations.
The association will also work to foster relations among women, particularly in the plastics sector, as well as between women and public and private institutions, with the aim of working together on the same goals.
The event ended with the announcement of the next meeting, to be held in May 2025 in conjunction with the GreenPlast exhibition.