RadiciGroup inaugurates new production plant in India

Commercially present in India since 2006, RadiciGroup inaugurates new production plant in the Country to strengthen its position on the Asian continent with timely products and services for the local market.
It is the first industrial site owned by the Italian multinational in India, employing over 100 collaborators and situated in the municipality of Halol in the federal state of Gujarat: after 15 years of sales presence in the country, the Group has inaugurated a new industrial complex of 19,000 square metres, 11,000 square metres of which is dedicated to the manufacture of engineering polymers for numerous application sectors, such as automotive, electrical and electronics, consumer and industrial goods, and telecommunications. A decision made on the basis of RadiciGroup’s multiyear experience in India, which has allowed the Group to get to know the local market better and better, while growing steadily year after year.
“It is a historic moment for us,” stated Maurizio Radici, vice president di RadiciGroup, who personally inaugurated the new site together with the management and staff of Radici Plastics India. “Now, we are present in India with a manufacturing facility that is part of the RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers global production network, which can count on 7 other plants and numerous sales sites located in Europe, North and South America, and Asia”. “From the start,” the vice president continued, “we’ve had the vision to expand our roots in the world, with the goal of being close to our global and local customers, so as to develop high-quality products and innovative solutions for the market, together. Opening this plant emphasizes the success of our vision and represents the long-term commitment that we shareholders have to the Indian region.”

India is a market where having a strong presence is essential to seize growth opportunities in sectors requiring short reactive production chains.
“With this site, we’ll be able to respond much faster to our customers’ needs,” emphasized Federico Percassi, India country manager of RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers. “It will enable us to shorten material development and supply times, given the possibility of fine-tuning tailor-made solutions by taking advantage of the skills of our Indian specialists, as well as continuing to rely on the support of our global organization. I’m sure that our teamwork will create valuable synergies and lead to mutual growth. Among other benefits, the new plant is located in an area that can allow for increases in production capacity, if necessary, to meet the growth potential of the market, not only in India.”
The Halol site complements the Suzhou facility inaugurated last April in China. It is another step along RadiciGroup’s internationalization path, aimed at expanding the Group’s footprint on the Asian continent to serve various markets punctually and efficiently using the logic of proximity that is, being close to its customers’ industrial plants.
“Besides the over one hundred people working at the new Halol site, Radici Plastics India can count on about thirty other professionals spread out at various locations in India, in order to cover the entire country,” Percassi pointed out. “The company is also equipped with two large warehouses and a sales office. Hence, we are hoping that further development and growth opportunities arise in the market, so that we can contribute to the success of the whole RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers Business Area.”