At IMG, art becomes corporate welfare with the works of Stefano Bombardieri

for the presentation of the ehibition;
on her right the artist Stefano Bombardieri,
on her left Marco Capitanio,
Confindustria Brescia, and Stefano Sala,
major of Capriano del Colle (Brescia).
From 21 April to 20 May, at its headquarters in Capriano del Colle (Brescia), IMG, a manufacturer of rubber injection molding machines, is hosting and exhibiting to the public seven large works of art by the Brescian artist, Stefano Bombardieri - some even visible from the nearby street. This exhibition is the first stage of a broader project named “L’arte ImPressa: che bello lavorare!” (ImPressa art: how nice to work!), by which IMG aims to implement its vision of corporate welfare: art, in its many forms, becomes a source of well-being, vital energy and individual growth. For the entire period of the exhibition the public can view Il peso del tempo sospeso/sumo, Pneu Vanité, Struzzo Rubik, Grande Testa di Rinoceronte, Coleoptera, Testa Gorilla/Sguardo Monumental and Balancing on the Past 1.

“Grande Testa di Rinoceronte”
These works stand in all their grandeur in the various departments, in the courtyard and on the walls of the sheds. Some are visible from the street, while others are displayed among the machines and production equipment, becoming part of them. "I think that these premises are a natural habitat for my works," said Stefano Bombardieri, who took part in the inauguration of the event on 20 April. "It is very effective to work on the unexpected, on the short circuit". The sculptor mainly uses two techniques to create his works, always in balance between craftsmanlike know-how and industrial technology, a typical feature of his vision expressing the relationship, not always easy, between man and nature. In one work, polystyrene foam is used to shape cores (or casts) that are then lined with polyurethane, such as Testa Gorilla/Sguardo Monumental. In another one, glassfibre "sheets", i.e. glassfibre-reinforced polyester, commonly used in nautical hulls or automotive roofs, create figures of complex or mammoth size, such as Grande Testa di Rinoceronte (the rhino is an iconic animal for the artist).

IMG management have long been thinking of how employees feel at the workplace: the second personnel mood survey has just been completed. It was administered to all 60 employees at the beginning of the year and the resulting data are now being processed. A corporate sensitivity that passes through numerous actions, from training to the inclusion of young people, even at the middle management level. "Sustainability is not only synonymous with care for the environment," explained Barbara Ulcelli, CEO of IMG, "it also implies deep sensitivity towards social well-being, from employees to the community within which the company operates. Doing business today also means being able to stimulate reflections on current issues, offering opportunities for growth, work and individual aspirations. A company must act as an incubator of talents and opportunities."

The idea of bringing art and beauty to the company premises has long been a characteristic feature of IMG, where several works by various artists are already on permanent display, positioned in all working environments, including production ones. The current exhibition represents the first stage of the project “Arte ImPressa: che bello lavorare!” and will be followed by others. Among those already scheduled for the summer, the traveling exhibition “Io ti ascolto” (I listen to you), promoted by OMB Saleri in cooperation with Casa delle Donne, the Municipality of Brescia and Confindustria Brescia, will bring to the companies involved a red chest containing paintings with poems from the secondary and high schools of the province of Brescia on the theme of violence against women, the result of a literary contest named after Monia Del Pero, victim of her boyfriend at the age of 19 in 1989. The programme will then continue next autumn with two more events.
The exhibition can be visited on Fridays from 9 to 17 and on Saturdays from 9 to 12, reservation is only required in the case of groups, such as, for example, school groups. On 20 April, after the inauguration in the presence of the trade press, newspapers and local authorities, the “Rubber Night” was held, an event organized by IMG every three years to cheer suppliers, customers and collaborators.