Colines among the "champions" of Italy

The Italian manufacturer of extrusion plants, Colines, keeps performing great: the company was listed among the best 1,000 performers in Italy in the “Champions 2022” report, made by ItalyPost, a highly-qualified team composed of skilled financial analysts coming from the ModeFinance rating agency. The prestigious report was published on the Italian newspaper “Il Corriere della Sera” and higlighted the best 200 performers among the companies with a turnover higher than 120 million euros and the best 800 performers among the over 20,000 Italian companies with a turnover between 20 and 120 million per year.
“I am especially grateful to our staff and our partners”, said Colines’ Executive President, Eraldo Peccetti - as their great commitment was crucial for achieving such an important result in such challenging times. Of course, we are extremely proud for having been named once again a “Champions” company, as one of the best performers in Italy. We aim to keep consolidating our position in the market as well as growing in the process”.