Assocomaplast’s new video magazine

“In the space of a century, we have evolved from radio to television, and from cinema to films viewed in streaming on computers. Assocomaplast, for its part, also wants to update and find a more effective way of communicating with its members. Hence the idea for a monthly video magazine of a few minutes’ duration providing the latest and most important  information relevant to our sector.”

These remarks were made by Mario Maggiani, director of Assocomaplast, at the launch of the first issue of the video magazine produced by the Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machiney and Moulds Manufacturers’ Association, available as from 11 February 2016 on its YouTube channel, where, for the moment, it can be accessed only by members.

The new media is additional to those Assocomaplast already has, i.e. its regular newsletters, website, MACPLAS magazine, and it is intended to offer a form of communication that is increasingly abreast with the times and accessible to a growing body of followers throughout the world, thanks to modern communication tools, such as computers, tablets and smartphones. The magazine is a brief slot providing timely information and the association hopes it will become a fixture that will be useful to its members. The production of few minutes of news nevertheless demands considerable and intensive teamwork by the whole Assocomaplast team (secretariat, marketing department, fairs department, MACPLAS editors) and by production and post-production technicians both in front of and behind the cameras.