Ardian acquiresItalmatch Chemicals

The premium independent private investment company, Ardian, announced on June 26 that it has signed a binding agreement to acquire Italmatch Chemicals, Italy's leading specialty chemicals manufacturer, headquartered in Genoa. The Italian company has production facilities in Italy, Germany, United Kingdom and Spain and is also part of two joint ventures (in China and in Japan). The historical cornerstone of its business is the production of phosphorus derivatives for engine lubricant oil and plastic and the recent acquisition plan has increased both the range of products/chemistry as well as its end markets. Italmatch has posted exceptional levels of growth over the last few years, with sales forecast of around 250 million euros (of which 90% generated outside of Italy) for 2014, more than double compared to 2012, with an Ebidta in excess of 30 million euros. Italmatch's acquisition strategy has been driven by the need to expand its product and market range, particularly in the area of water treatment, oil and gas and high performance lubricants for industrial applications. Ardian's investment will support the management's plans for further international growth, particularly in respect of the US and Asian markets.
"Italmatch is a great example of Italian industrial excellence. It has posted robust turnover figures in the last few years, and we forecast other great development opportunities, which Ardian will help Italmatch identify and seize, working in partnership with the excellent management team", stated Philippe Poletti of Ardian. "Our strategy aims to make Italmatch Chemicals a global leader in the innovative special substances and chemical additives sectors, thanks to our capabilities of innovation and development of new products and special eco-sustainable additive. Using our technology and expertise, we are now planning wider international development and expansion into different industries. We believe that Ardian's expertise, in combination with our high quality products and thriving commercial synergies, will cement Italmatch's position as a global leader in our field", added Sergio Iorio, CEO of Italmatch Chemicals.