From RecyClass a new certification scheme for recyclers

RecyClass extends its scope with the first European-wide audit scheme for plastic recyclers based on EN 15343 and fullfilling the requirements for conformity assessment described in ISO 17065. This certification will support the industry in complying with upcoming market and legal requirements in a harmonised, transparent and reliable manner.
“The new RecyClass Recycling Process Certification is the first step of ensuring the origin of recycled plastics”, said Paolo Glerean, RecyClass Chairman. “Apart from complementing the existing Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification which will recognise RecyClass Recycling Process as Supplier’s Certificate, it will also create synergies and ensure verification of the entire chain of custody requirements for recycled content in products. With this we aim to provide a set of robust tools that will support the industry in substantiating their claims on recycled content and on the use of plastics recyclates”, he added.
The Recycling Process Conformity Assessment Scheme was developed following the traceability principles in line with a controlled blending chain of custody model as defined in ISO 22095. The Scheme covers requirements on plastics traceability, quality management, calculation of recycled content and environmental performance. Additional requirements are set for food contact processes, cosmetics and household applications, as well as corporate social responsibility. Furthermore, the food contact modules have been developed according to the new requirements in the revised Regulation on recycled plastics in food contact.
The compliance of the new RecyClass Recycling Process Certification is being evaluated by the European Co-operation for Accreditation via the Spanish Accreditation Body - Enac as a first a step towards the issuing of certificates complaint with ISO 17065 via accredited certification bodies.