Italian companies continuing to manufacture, in compliance with the anti-coronavirus measures

Following the Italian prime ministerial decree of 22 March 2020, and the 25 March amendment of the same, indicating what production activities can be defined essential in Italy, the companies that have been allowed to continue working have been keen to show that they are still operational, albeit with reduced staff numbers, differently organised shifts, and full compliance with preventive and social distancing measures geared at containing the spread of the coronavirus.


The list of companies that can continue working includes manufacturers of machines for the processing of plastics and rubber. In this regard, the association Amaplast, in a press bulletin issued in recent days, underlined that these companies must continue to respect the formal agreement  between the government, the trade unions and the industrial associations, signed on March 14, which establishes (among other things) the measures necessary to combat and contain the spread of the virus in the workplace. This agreement requires them to continue treating the safety of workers and all those involved in the production cycle as their priority, and also to make changes in their activity, allowing production to continue only in those departments whose activity really is indispensable.


In this regard, there have been plenty of communications from association members (Baruffaldi, Biesse, Colines, Comerio Ercole, Moretto, Moss, Piovan, Sacmi, to name just a few), which, by e-mail or via social media, report that, in spite of the current difficulties, and in compliance with government regulations, their research and development activities continue, as do their deliveries and technical support services. All this is possible also thanks to modern technologies that allow smartworking and remote assistance. And even though the supply of raw materials and components is now seeing some inevitable delays, to date there has been no interruption of production processes.