Nine Friul Filiere extrusion lines to Reliance

Winning an important tender which ran during the summer of 2013 until four days before the start of the K fair in Düsseldorf, Friul Filiere has secured one of the biggest orders in its history, worth just under 8 million dollars. Indeed, Friul Filiere, presenting a complex and high-tech project, overcame the competition from some of the main global players.
The client, Reliance, which is headquartered in Mumbai and has production operations in various Indian states, is the largest company operating in the private sector in India and it deals mainly with energy. The group's annual revenue exceeds 66 billion dollars. It has established a production pipeline which includes oil extraction, oil refining and the production of plastic materials and products. This is, indeed, the field in which Friul Filiere has been chosen to supply nine extrusion lines for the production of HDPE pipes.
As Luna Artico, CEO of Friul Filiere told MacPlas: "It is certainly true that Friul Filiere was established in 1978 as a company producing machines and equipment for the extrusion of plastic materials, but it is also true that the company today specialises above all in  the supply of turnkey solutions: it does not simply sell extrusion lines; rather, it plans, on behalf of the customer, the layout best able to accommodate the systems it builds and installs, and it also provides training to the local personnel who will actually be involved in the production activity.
"For our company, winning this order means several things: it is appropriate recognition for our considerable devotion to our research activity; it has boosted our image within the global plastic materials industry; it should win us the trust of many new customers, given that to have been chosen by such an important customer is an indication of our high level of expertise and professionalism; and it opens up the prospect of future growth."
The company president, Valdi Artico, added: "We are delighted with the efforts of our company and our entire team which, in competition with international multinationals, won this tender on the strength of the following elements: technology; innovative solutions tailored to the customer's every last need; production performance (the highest extrusion speed ever reached); the flexibility of our team; our ability to guarantee rapid delivery of the project." "The key to everything, however,"  concluded Valdi Artico, "is undoubtedly our tireless research and development activity, which is maintained even when the internal resources at our disposal are dwindling and no one seems to be willing to support small and medium-sized businesses."
The delivery of the new lines to Reliance will be completed within the first few months of 2014.