The 3D printing introduces itself at Plast 2015

Thanks to applications already received by some of the most important international companies of the sector, on the occasion of Plast 2015, 3D Plast will debut: a thematic section dedicated to additive manufacturing of polymeric products, rapid prototyping, modelling software, 3D print and similar technologies.

A wide exhibition area has been reserved in one of Plast 2015 halls, according to reservations already received as well as to further expected applications, considering the several expressions of interest already collected from many companies operating in such sector, in order to exhibit in this new area.

Technological developments in this field are of high interest for the plastics and rubber industry and, during the event, several events and technical seminars will be also held, in order to promote the visibility on the latest innovations and the spreading of information on the great application potentialities of this fast-growing sector. Interviews, video and previews will be also spread before, during and after the exhibition, also in cooperation with MacPlas, Plast 2015 official magazine.