Assembling machines under control from all over the world

Always keep machines performances under control, wherever you are. Today this is possible thanks to Gefdata, the software designed and realized by Gefit engineers, that allows all managers and operators to monitor their assembly machines performances at any time.

The new application, developed at Fubine plant (near Alessandria, Italy), can be installed, on clients’ demand, on all assembly machines, and it enables all users to analyse in an extremely analytic way their machines efficiency, also in a long-term period.

Gefdata undeniable advantage is, first of all, the possibility to manage and optimize the working day, also being far from the production place. Simply using a smartphone and an internet connection, you can Image removed.precisely check your machine production data for every working shift.

New Gefit software also allows the operators to verify a great number of data: rejection type and quantities, alarms, machine stops and reasons that caused every stop. It can cross-check all data and make a Pareto diagram, so as to highlight and represent in a graphic way the outstanding elements of the analysis and, when necessary, to find fast and efficient solutions.