KruiseKontrol has been recognized as unique

Recently, the European Patent Office (EPO) has definitively established that Moretto’s KruiseKontrol is a unique system in the granules feeding and conveying systems of the plastics industry.

As the Veneto-based manufacturer states in a press release, for years competitors have defined this system as a "simple inverter", comparing it within their common machines with little added value for the converter. In 2011, the Motan Colortronic company opposed the patent, losing the appeal two years later.

Now, the dispute has been definitively resolved in favour of Moretto: Kruise Kontrol has been recognised as the only automatic and intelligent plastic material conveying system in the world that can be defined as such.

KruiseKontrol, through the control and management of the speed of the material, the dedicated material handling and the backfeed content management, which constantly optimizes the system, guides the granule at the best speed to the target destination, thus avoiding the creation of angel hair and pipe wear.

Despite all Moretto, aware of the added value that KruiseKontrol can offer to converters, has continued for a decade to develop new versions through to the KruiseKontrol 6, now available with One Wire 6 integrated electronics, in order to meet the Industry 4.0 requirements.