Over twenty lines in a year

A special birthday is going to be celebrated at Colines: the latest manufacturing facility of the company, located in Marano Ticino, (Novara, Italy) has now been operational for one year. In this relatively short period of activity over 20 lines were built and tested at Colines in Marano Ticino factory and right now the plant is “hosting” 8 different production lines, which will be soon tested and shipped to their respective buyers.

“Our business is growing faster and faster - says Eraldo Peccetti, CEO and cofounder of Colines - and for that reason one year ago we decided to promote a new facility in Marano Ticino, in addition to the historical headquarters in Nibbia (Novara) and the other manufacturing factories in Cameri (Novara), Azzate (Varese) and Bastia Umbra (Perugia). It is very impressive for us to think about the awesome workload that we registered in the first year of activity in our new premises and we look forward to increasing further our production. When we entered the building for the first time it was empty and now there is no free space at all:  this is something that fills us with satisfaction and pride, and impresses our visiting customers as well”.