Positions secured, the look towards digitalization

Volumes of over 1.25 billion euros, growing employment (4,650 people), a net equity of 676 million euros: this is the picture that emerges from the Sacmi Group's 2019 Annual Report, presented at the Sacmi Imola shareholder's meeting.


“The year 2019 saw Sacmi maintaining its market shares”, began the President of Sacmi Imola, Paolo Mongardi (in the picture), “despite a sharp slowdown in global demand which penalised, above all, ceramic orders”. That slowdown has, more specifically, impacted not only more mature markets (Italy, Europe), which have traditionally rewarded the inherent high quality of Sacmi products, but also China and the Far East, with growth falling short of expectations in almost every sector.


It was also a year during which Sacmi accelerated its implementation of new governance strategies and introduced innovative customer services, especially on the assistance front. “However, the situation of uncertainty”, pointed out Mongardi, “manifested itself well before the current health emergency. On the one hand, this has heightened our commitment to improving the product range in the core ceramic and packaging sectors. On the other, it has forced us to re-think our organisation and provide customers with even closer support via high-added-value products and services”.


Remote assistance packages, new services that provide customer support throughout the working life of the machine/plant... and beyond: as we extend our gaze to 2030, this is how change needs to be tackled. “Upgrading skills, processes and facilities, guiding digital transformation in terms of products, processes and business models is the strategy with which Sacmi looks to the future”, explained the President, Paolo Mongardi.


While analysis by sector shows that ceramic suffered, the Closures, Containers & PET sector - where Sacmi has led the market with solutions that already implement new EU standards for plastics, confirming its technological leadership in the industry - continued to perform positively. The Beverage and Packaging & Chocolate Divisions fell short of expectations, again as a result of the slowdown in international demand for complete plants; nevertheless, this has been offset by a strong drive towards the development of new machines. The Quality & Process Control Division continued to be pivotal to Sacmi's overall portfolio, with vision systems that draw on new AI algorithms playing a central role.


“Lastly”, concluded Mongardi, “2019 was a very special year for the Sacmi Group. We celebrated our centenary and pushed ahead with company training designed to prepare our people for the changes that will come with the digitization of processes and services. The seed of 'digital transformation' has been planted: we remain confident it will bear fruit in the coming years despite this first part of 2020 being heavily impacted by the global pandemic. We also believe this situation offers an opportunity to reflect more deeply on our development model, which must firmly focus on people, the community and the environment”.