Lati enters the world of additive manufacturing

After an initial phase focused on developing aesthetic products and resins with limited thermal, mechanical and functional needs, the additive manufacturing market is today blossoming, among both 3D print manufacturers as well as users, linked increasingly to the industry and to the production of small series featuring customised or functional properties.


Backed by its seventy-five years of experience in technical compounding for injection moulding, Lati R&D for some years now has been committed to developing compounds for 3D printing, and regularly supplies major Italian and European filament manufacturers. However, the special requirements of 3D printing and the need to develop increasingly complex and challenging formulas has prompted the Varese-based company to invest further in this sector.


This is why it has created Lati3Dlab, set up as a true R&D laboratory whose objective is to develop specific borderline technical products for the additive manufacturing market: high performance polymers, with carbon fibres, with advanced functional properties, like being thermally and electrically conductive, self-extinguishing, radio-opaque, identifiable by metal detectors, as well as mechanical and self-lubricating properties; all, as needed, developed ad hoc to the specifications of customers, whether filament manufacturers or users in technical and industrial fields.