Safeguarding extrusion know-how

A subsidiary of B-Tec, Tecno System, has recently announced that it has purchased the Divisione Meccanica operations from TPV Compound. As the Tecno System management explains, “the strategic goal of the project is to safeguard and unite important know-how in the production of extrusion lines by TPV Divisione Meccanica, Tecno System and B-Tec.”

The intention is also to create new growth opportunities on the Italian and foreign market for both companies: TPV Compound, an important company active in the PVC based compound market, and Tecno System/B-Tec, a leader in extrusion technology.

TPV Compound's decision to sell the Divisione Meccanica operations was therefore a choice aimed at creating specific synergies in order to meet well-defined objectives over the next few years. Marco Rubbi will be the new sales manager for Tecno System, Divisione Meccanica and B-Tec.