Moretto surprises the Usa

Satisfying the most demanding requirements in terms of energy efficiency, Eureka, the Moretto drying system, already had an army of supporters in Europe. Now it has also become big news in the Usa. This completely integrated, modular and intelligent system, has won over a well-known American PET producer.
Guaranteeing a throughput of 5,200 kg/h, the biggest dryer ever installed in a single integrated system has now been produced: it is a modular drying system made up of 9 XMAX units generating a total airflow of 12,800 cubic metres/h and 30 OTX drying hoppers with a total capacity of 30,000 cubic decimetres.
The decision to choose a Eureka system was driven mainly by the system's incredible performances. Indeed, it reduces the inherent moisture content of the PET to 30 ppm in just 4 hours. Furthermore Eureka allows:
- up to 50% reductions in processing time (from 6h to 4h for PET)
- considerable reductions, of up to 50%, in the amount of air needed for polymer drying (from 3.5 to 1.8 cubic metres/kg for PET).
Moretto has surprised the Usa with an installation that allows energy savings worth 275,000 dollars per year compared with the conventional drying systems available on the market. This installation is the first of a planned series.