A million euros for the Thermoplay workforce

Even though it was sold in 2015 to the Barnes Group in Bristol (Connecticut, USA), Thermoplay remains a flagship of Italian industry in the world, specifically in the field of equipment for the processing of plastic materials. Its owners - two brothers, Roberto and Giovanni Enrietti, respectively CEO and sales manager - provided evidence of their true class when, to mark their departure from the company on 31 December 2015, they decided to give a very special goodbye present to all their 160 employees, no one excluded: around one million euros allocated by calculating a euro for every day of service with the company, Saturdays and Sundays included.

Thus, as reported in the local press recently, the company’s employees in addition to receiving their regular salary and end of year bonus, also found this special bonus paid directly into their current accounts. As specified in the reason for payment which read: “From the Enrietti family, in recognition of the time spent together,” the latter sum was based not on the employee’s position in the company or qualifications, but only on the time he or she has been with the company. It can also be understood, from this affectionate message, that the gift came from the family’s personal funds. It therefore amounted to a heartfelt thank you to all those who have contributed to the family’s success as entrepreneurs and to the success the company has enjoyed the world over.