Fluctuating Spanish rubber

According to data gathered by the Consorcio del Caucho, in 2011 revenues in the Spanish rubber sector approached 5.4 billion euros for an increase of some 16 percentage points over the previous year. In terms of volume, the increase represents +8% for a total of 865 thousand tons. This growth, however, represents the average of the +10% recorded in the new and regenerated tyre segment (composed of some 270 companies, who generated revenues in 2011 of just under 1.3 billion euros, -0.9% with respect to 2010, for 183 thousand tons in volume) and of the more modest +3% for other rubber articles. Once again, production was supported mainly by exports, which increased by 31% while the domestic market collapsed (-21%), influenced by the negative trend in the auto industry, which absorbs 88% of products.