The birth of Dolci Bielloni

Dolci Extrusion and Bielloni Converting have merged to create a new industrial enterprise named Dolci Bielloni. The newborn company will benefit from the synergy between the two brands to provide increasingly detailed, fast and effective service, optimizing the production time for high-tech systems as well as time-to-market. Furthermore, the consolidation of the group will bring an increase in R&D investment in cutting-edge technology, while the union of the post-sales teams will mean faster service and guaranteed problem resolution.

The new company will have a broad product portfolio that includes plants for:

- flat die extrusion (CPP, barrier and stretch film with width of up to 4 metres) and blow extrusion (multi-layer films for lamination, barrier, stretch and shrink hoods and for agricultural applications);

- extrusion coating (single, double or triple stage);

- printing (flexography for up to 10 colours with gearless technology, on any flexible support up to a width of 4 metres with stack technology);

- lamination (with or without solvents and water-based).

Seventy years of experience of the two brands in their respective areas of expertise thus come together in the new company in the name of business continuity and new opportunities both for the company and for its suppliers and customers.