RadiciGroup in the CarE-Service project

Automotive polyamide circularity? Thanks to the project CarE-Service - that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme with the goal to develop innovative circular economy business models for the automotive industry, and that entered its final phase - it is feasible.
Starting in 2018, it is now time to share the results of over three years of work: on June 29 a virtual event has taken place, in which RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers presented what has been done within the program. The group, coordinated by the National Research Council of Italy, is the only producer of engineering polymers participating in the CarE-Service project. RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers has performed quantitative feasibility studies on polyamide recovered from automotive components. The parts have been dismantled from end-of-life cars, properly treated, and then recompounded.
The aim of the project is to produce engineering polymers using secondary raw materials obtained from end of life parts and to obtain performance comparable to that of engineering polymers made with virgin raw materials.