Digital force gauges and motorized stands to perform the strictly necessary tests

The TCM motorized test stands in combination with the DFE and DFS digital force gauges and the relative terminals from Chatillon are offered by DGTS (which, in addition to Chatillon, also represents Lloyd in Italy, both part of the Ametek group) to perform tensile, compression, flexural, peel, adhesion, insertion and extraction tests, carrying out only force measurements so that processors do not have to incur costs for unnecessary extra services.
The motorized test stand guarantees constant speed and therefore eliminate variables that might affect the measurements, and come with 500 or 1500 N maximum capacity, 400 or 800 mm stroke and a speed that can be set between 5 and 1,000 mm/min.
Among the digital force gauges, the new DFS3 series offers the best performance currently available on the market for this type of instrument. This compact and easy-to-use force gauge can be equipped with an internal or external load cell with capacity from 2.5 to 2,500 N.
The gauge display supports standard functions such as real-time load, peak load, breaking load and measurement limit reading, pass/reject count, statistics reports, average values etc., however it can also show the displacement of the test stand crossbar for a more precise positioning of the test stand itself.
Chatillon's ForceTest software enhances the potential of the force gauge that can be interfaced with a PC for viewing results in graphical format as well as data logging, calculation of additional results, creation of PDF reports and / or CSV data export.