The net is… on the net

Launched at the end of 2013 by Baruffaldi Plastic Technology, Engin Plast and Comav, the Nip-Tech network (North Italian Plastic Technology) has now gone online with its own website ( Among other information, it contains presentations of the three companies and their respective areas of specialisation, offers the opportunity to contact Alliance Automation, the local agent for US and Canada, and publishes news and updates on the activities of the three partners.

The web master Steve Cranston will take care of the website maintenance and the internet promotion of Nip-Tech, also with a view to three companies’ forthcoming trade fair commitments. The most imminent is their participation at Plastimagen (Mexico City, November 18-21), where they will have a joint booth in the Italian hall. After that, they are due to take part in NPE 2015 (Orlando, 23-27 March, 2015).