Thirties style party for Grecu Consulting

About a hundred people celebrated Grecu Consulting's thirtieth anniversary on May 7 at Plast 2015. Cocktails, toasts, Dixieland music and Thirties style Charleston, not to mention much enthusiasm, were part of the celebrations for the thirtieth birthday of the company based in Novara, specialising since 1985 in reorganising companies operating in the plastic industry.

"The great demonstration of affection and esteem today is recognition of the work we have done over the years. Today SGC is celebrating thirty years and celebrating my father, Gianfranco Grecu, who founded the company and skilfully stood at its helm for 20 years and, at the same time, celebrating my first 10 years at the head of SGC and our Lean Plastic Center which opened in 2005”, Alessandro Grecu, managing director of the company and creator of the Lean Plastic method, said.

The numerous collaborators, partners and clients who participated were acknowledged and thanked in the course of the ceremony. The association TMP and Amerigo D’Aloisio, who have remained close to the company, were also thanked, as was Giancarlo D’Ottavio and the Poliblend group, who hosted the SGC celebrations at their stand at the fair.

The Novara-based company was established in 1985 as Studio Grecu which developed systems and elements for plastic processing, including screws and injection and extrusion units, film and cable extrusion systems and moulds for injection moulding. From the start, it received numerous requests from companies to also support production optimisation and manufacturing processes - more often than not for heat treatment polymer processes - which prompted a secondary activity of facility reorganisation and optimisation, today representing the core business of Grecu Consulting.

In 2004, SGC Studio Grecu Consulting was also established in parallel, and in 2005 the Lean Plastic Center was set up, a division highly specialised in reorganising the manufacturing industry and plastic processing processes, as well as competitive repositioning of companies in the polymer, system and processing sector. The next evolution occurred in 2008 when Alessandro Grecu founded SGC Grecu Consulting Partners and immediately established important, stable collaboration with Confindustria and other important and respected insiders in the world of plastics. Today the company employs about a dozen collaborators, including senior partners, consultants and members of management, and is active in national and international projects aimed at transforming companies and manufacturing moulds and systems for plastics.

Today the company's scope of intervention spans numerous areas: in the factory to boost efficiency, for plastic processing to improve quality and stability, and for people to increase efficiency, managerial capacity and "lean & plastics" expertise. SGC is also highly specialised in its approach for business professionals, helping them define and plan global strategies, pursue set objectives and guide their companies towards ambitious, era or generational changes. Not least, the company's services target - as they did from the beginning - manufacturers of plants and moulds to improve design, managerial and technical capabilities and redesign the competitive edge of companies in an increasingly demanding global economy.