Milacron enhances injection machine sales and service structure

On the first days of June, Milacron Holdings Corporation announced a revamped customer centric sales structure for its European Injection Machine sales team. The changes are designed to improve the delivery of customer support for sales, service, and simplifying the way Milacron interacts with its customers.

Denis Poelman, managing director Milacron Injection Europe, stated, “Milacron’s enhancement of our European Sales and Service structure will improve efficiency and reduce complexity. This new organizational structure will enable Milacron to better serve our valued customers”.

The new sales structure will operate from five main sales offices: Malterdingen (Germany) to serve German speaking markets; Magenta (Italy) to serve Italian speaking markets; Lyon (France) to serve Image removed.French speaking markets; Barcelona (Spain) to serve Spanish and Portuguese speaking markets; Vsetin (Czech Republic) to serve Eastern European, Nordic and English speaking markets. The new structure will see improvements in language capabilities, with the ability to serve customers in sixteen languages, ensuring customers are served in their mother tongue and in closer geographic proximity.

Milacron will also be adding local High Impact Technical (HIT) Centres in Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, France, UK, Denmark and Sweden to allow customers to experience Milacron’s wide product offerings in person. HIT Centres feature a technology showroom including cells that showcase the entire Milacron product portfolio from machines to hot runners. The centres also have training areas, warehousing capabilities, with space for spare parts inventory plus on-site field service technicians. The objective is to ensure Milacron is closer to our customers, increasing service, and support response times.

The key additions and enhancements serve to strengthen Milacron’s sales and service operations and reinforce Milacron’s commitment to the key European plastics market.

“The move to optimize our European Injection Sales and Service structure is a direct result of feedback Image removed.from our European customers. Our primary goal is to serve our customers throughout the entire product lifecycle in a manner that works best for them”, said Shawn Reilley, vice-president and general manager, Milacron Injection. Reilley added: “The realignment of the Sales and Service teams will allow Milacron to be more responsive, agile and better positioned to work with and serve our customers”. Milacron continues to push the boundaries of possibilities in plastics with breakthrough products from its leading brands including Milacron, Mold-Masters, DME, Ferromatik, Uniloy and CimCool.