
  • 08 July 2015

    Foundation for the future

    The Sabic’s fourth sustainability report, “Foundation for the Future” reflects the company commitment to growing its business responsibly and sustainably. This report builds on the great progress Sabic has made so far and is another step on its path to a sustainable and efficient future for the economy, society, and the environment...
  • 24 June 2015

    The best recycled plastics product

    The 2015 Epro Awards final, sponsored by Corepla (the Italian consortium for the collection and recycling of plastic packages) took place at IdentiPlast conference in Rome on April 29. A panel consisting of representatives of Epro, PlasticsEurope, PRE, Eupc and ACR+ from across Europe assessed the entries and...
  • 17 June 2015

    Breathing new (intelligent) life in plastics

    Based in Ospedaletto di Istrana, near Treviso (Italy), Aliplast processes 70 thousand tons of plastic materials each year. It has just concluded two important trade fairs - Plast and Ipack-Ima - where it has introduced cutting-edge innovations in the field of plastic packaging recycling. It is the first Italian company to...
  • 09 June 2015

    World’s first PET bottle made entirely from plants

    The Coca-Cola Company unveiled on June 3 the world’s first PET plastic bottle made entirely from plant materials at the World Expo - Milan. PlantBottle packaging pushes the boundaries on sustainable innovation by using groundbreaking technology to create a fully recyclable plastic bottle made from renewable plant materials...
  • 28 May 2015

    Vecap report shows significant achievements on its tenth anniversary

    On May 5, the European Flame Retardants Association (EFRA) - which represents the leading organisations which manufacture, market or use flame retardants in Europe - releases the 2014 Vecap European Progress Report. The Voluntary Emissions Control Action programme (VECAP) is a product stewardship programme which aims...
  • 12 May 2015

    Energy efficiency for the plastic industry

    CertiNergia is an ESCo (Energy Service Company) UNI CEI 11352 certified company and part of an international group with more than thirty years of experience. Exhibiting at Plast 2015 was a vital step forward considering the solid experience the company has accumulated in the plastic industry for its more than 130 Italian clients, approximately 30…
  • 15 April 2015

    Development goals achieved thanks to the Veneto Region

    A company specialized in the design and industrialization of PET containers, PET Engineering successfully concludes the project Suspack “Sustainable packaging through PET reduction and alternative materials”.
  • 13 April 2015

    Conai with Expo to promote a recycling culture

    An agreement Protocol between Expo 2015 and the Italy’s national packaging consortium Conai (Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi) was presented in Milan on March 24, for the promotion of a circular economy programme for the Expo. The importance of this Expo Circular Economy Programme, of which Conai is the...
  • 08 April 2015

    An effective and sustainable solution comes from tyres

    A recent investigation by the online version of the well known Italian newspaper Repubblica.it on noise pollution does not mince words: one fifth of the European population is exposed to excessive noise, which is responsible for 10,000 deaths a year in Europe and increases in cardiac disease, sleep problems and...
  • 19 March 2015

    BPF's concern

    The British Plastics Federation (BPF) has expressed its concern at the impact of reduced oil prices in the UK Plastics Recycling Industry. Areas of plastics recycling are becoming uncompetitive and this is threatening not only the viability of businesses but also, potentially, the recycling record of the whole supply chain.
  • 18 March 2015

    After the espresso is ready, the capsule goes into the compost

    On March 3 in Milan, Novamont and Lavazza unveiled the first 100% compostable Italian espresso capsule. The outcome of five years of research and development, the capsule will be ready for production in late 2015 and on the shelves in 2016. Compatible with Minù coffee machines, the capsules will be made of Mater-Bi 3G and...
  • 06 February 2015

    Short agro-industrial supply chains for bioproducts

    “The establishment of an agricultural sector that, respecting the local area, exploits abandoned areas of unirrigated land to support the region’s first model of an integrated biorefinery that is in synergy with the food production chain and focuses on high value-added products that can reduce or replace more impactful raw materials...
  • 21 January 2015

    Compostable and biodegradable capsule for hot drinks

    A new single-use capsule has been developed in a joint effort between API, Sacmi and ICA. The capsule is compostable and 100% biodegradable and used for hot drinks. Designed by ICA, the capsule was produced using a formulation of API’s Apinat Bio family of biodegradable compounds, which can be...
  • 03 December 2014

    A model of circular economy

    The international conference organized by European Bioplastics, the European association of bioplastics’ industry, started yesterday (December 2) in Brussels. Leading industry players meet there to discuss how biopolymers can help to make Europe and its Member States a model of circular economy based on...
  • 29 October 2014

    An overview on present and future of the European recycling

    The Plastics Recycling Conference Europe 2014 organized by Smithers Rapra and focused on the European plastics recycling industry is taking place in Milan on October 29-30. The aim of the event is to provide an overview about the nowadays opportunity of development of the sector in Europe...
  • 08 October 2014

    California is the first state to ban them by law

    Several cities across the United States have outlawed plastics bags, but for the first time a bag ban has been signed into law on the states level. It has happened in California, where the governor Jerry Brown signed the nation’s first state-level ban on plastic bags. Since the date of entry of the new law, on July first, 2015, single-use plastics…
  • 01 October 2014

    China seeks to end reign as global dumping ground

    Despite the fact that Europe is a global leader in plastics recycling and in diverting plastics from landfills by using waste-to-energy programs that convert waste into power generation, Europe, along with many other industrialized regions, recently  got another major incentive to increase its recycling effectiveness for plastics...
  • 18 June 2014

    The economic and environmental impacts of tyre recovery

    A reduction of 347 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents thanks to the use of recycled rubber in place of virgin rubber; savings of 3.2 billion kWh of electricity; 1.3 million cubic metres not consumed to produce virgin rubber, steel and other tyre components. These are the principal environmental data contained in the...