From EuRIC a roadmap for the competitiveness of European recycling

EuRIC's Plastics Recycling Branch (EPRB) has published a roadmap on the future of the European plastics recycling industry, as the latter is currently grappling with extremely low demand for recycled materials and with unfair competition from third countries that threaten circularity in Europe.
In its roadmap, EuPIC's EPRB advocates for a swift implementation of mandatory recycled content targets for plastics to stimulate demand and encourage investments that will scale up recycling capacities across the continent, and for incentives, either tax-based or market-based, to bridge the price gap between virgin and recycled plastics. To deliver high-quality recycled materials, the establishment of mandatory collection targets and recyclability criteria to enhance the quantity and quality of inputs to recycling processes is crucial.
Moreover, striking the right balance between precautionary measures and responsible risk management is critical for the circular economy, meaning that recycling activities could stop if disproportionate threshold values are set without a harmonised analytical method available at industrial scale to demonstrate compliance.

With the new restrictions on plastic waste exports brought by the Waste Shipment Regulation (WSP), a well-functioning single market for recycled plastics in the EU is imperative. That's why establishing EU-wide End-of-Waste (EoW) criteria for plastics to facilitate the reintroduction of high-quality recycled products into new products is more necessary than ever.
"Low demand for recycled plastics and cheap imports from third countries with low environmental and safety standards threaten the growth and competitiveness of Europe's plastic recycling industry. To protect it, we need decisive and bold police measures that will genuinely support one of Europe's key industries in the transition to a circular and carbon-neutral economy", said Julia Ettinger (on the right), EuPIC Secretary General.