Air bubble sheet plant testing completed
The testing of a Torninova Coex Bubble 10 3.100 plant destined for a British processor was completed just before Christmas. The line, capable of operating at rates of over 90 m/min, can produce lighter weight (from 25 to 35 g per square metre) bubble sheet in widths of up to 3100 mm with 10 layers (ABCBA + ABCBA) and integrated PA6 barrier. This barrier prolongs the retention of air inside the bubbles, thus increasing the sheet's cushioning and protective properties even in the presence of reduced thickness, as in this case. Reel change is performed, in 30 seconds, thanks to a three-shaft Triplex Plus turret winder while a new transverse cutting system secures the film to the core without the need for glue or adhesive tapes. The plant also has a gravimetric dosing system, forming cylinders for bubbles with diameters of 20 and 25 mm, a lamination unit, and an in-line trim recycling system.