Easylink means absence of cross-material contamination and high performance

Easylink, the new range of automatic coupling stations introduced by Piovan at Plast 2015, is bringing technologically advanced solutions guaranteeing a total absence of cross-material contamination and high production performance. Manual coupling stations are still widely used in the plastics processing industry. They are suitable for handling moderate workloads. In case of multiple uses, connecting the flexible pipes to the right source, and moving them as needed, can become a complicated and tiring task. To avoid errors, the pipes are coded. Managing a number of them also implies other problems: dirt that needs to be constantly removed from the system, and the use of connections and pipes that over time wear out and have to be removed and replaced manually.

The Easylink range of coupling stations consisting of 3 models: EL 20, EL 40, EL 60 (the first digit indicates the number of sources, the second the number of destinations). The new range is equipped with technological solutions which guarantee a total absence of cross-material contamination, thereby eliminating the primary concern among users of automatic stations. The Easylink range is in fact fitted with a device that thoroughly cleans the conveyor pipe when a different material is being handled on the next cycle. The Easylink coupling stations are unique in as much as a single selection pipe - rigid and enamelled to handle polymers of all hardness grades - has a variable diameter: 40, 50-60, 76 mm for small, medium and large capacities. Easylink is therefore the only coupling station range that can manage not just a high number of sources and destinations, but which also has a capacity ranging from just a few to thousands kilos per hour.