Plas Mec renews its testing room

The mixing systems manufacturer Plas Mec has recently renewed its testing room to allow its customers to perform a wider range of tests on PVC, powder coatings, bonding materials, masterbatches, WPCs and any other material suitable for mixing.

The room is equipped with the following plants: HC Combimix 300/1000 system, a combination of the TRM heating mixer and the high performance HEC horizontal cooler; TRL 13 laboratory mixers; a combined system with TRM heating mixer and RFV vertical cooler; overturning mixer with multiple configuration. In addition, a process control program has been developed, which allows the production cycle to be monitored and the result to be foreseen.

Operating since 1967, the company owns an engineering & research department run by a team of highly specialized engineers, developing a wide range of mixing plants and complete mixing lines. About 95% of the company’s systems are exported worldwide, with more than 5.600 machines installed at 1.800 customers.