Three events in one for all the plastics industry

The FIP trade show, the French event dedicated to the plastics industry organized every three years in Lyon, has changed its name: starting from the next event, scheduled from 16 to 19 June 2020, under the new name France Innovation Plasturgie, the fair will gather three concomitant trade shows under the same roof. The main show, France Innovation Plasturgie, giving its name to the fair, will be dedicated to raw materials, machines, peripherals, services, etc.; FIP Transform, instead, will address plastics and rubber processing companies; FIP Valorize, finally, will focus on circular economy solutions.

“In a difficult context marked by intense debates around plastics issues, it is crucial that all actors of the plastics industry rally around this event. The trade show “France Innovation Plasturgie” will offer a tremendous sounding board to put forward the fundamental industrial changes undertaken as well as the new solutions for a sustainable industry which is at a turning point of its history”, said Nathalie Grosdidier, CEO of Idicie the organizer of the fair.

Conceived as a forum and opportunity for the entire plastics supply chain to meet and debate, the new fair has already obtained the support of the main industry associations and of the French consortiums, including the French Federation of Plasturgy and Composites and its affiliated members Allizé Plasturgie, Plastiouest and Gipco, Plastipolis, IPC (Industrial Technical Center for Plastics and Composites), Plastics Europe, and Moule & Prototype, as well as the Association of the constructors and distributors (ACDI).