Italian technology for the circular economy

Amaplast, the Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds Manufactuters’ Association, after the launch of the Italian version, has now also launched the English version of a video to highlight how the Italian companies have always been technologically at the forefront of the world and brought an essential contribution to the production of functional and safe products, through processes that optimize the use of raw materials and energy, as well as to the end-of-life mechanical recycling.


Companies that, among other things, in many cases immediately activated to provide reliable technologies for the production of medical protections and devices that have proved so helpful during the Covid-19 emergency.


Also the English version of the video addresses the general public and highlights how useful plastic is in our daily lives and its essential contribution, for example, to the preservation of food and the personal care. But particular emphasis is placed on the sustainability factor: in fact, plastic, compared to other materials, requires less energy and resources to be processed and, above all, with the cooperation of all parties, it can be easily recycled and therefore reused in virtually infinite production cycles


Only the full understanding and awareness of the characteristics of plastic products and their correct disposal can prevent the waste of valuable resources and promote the reuse of recycled materials in the value chain, as a result completing the transition towards an industrial system based on the principles of the circular economy.