The birth of battenfeld-cincinnati

Effective from April 9, Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik, Cincinnati Extrusion and B+C Extrusion Systems (Foshan) have now combined their strengths under the new brand of battenfeld-cincinnati. They form one of the largest global supplier of extrusion lines for the production of pipes, profiles, film and sheet, with 5 manufacturing plants on three continents.
The new group is structured in 3 divisions. The Construction division takes care of all customers requiring solutions to manufacture visible extrusion products such as profiles, PVC sheet, but also WPC, decking, fencing, siding and railing. The Infrastructure division is the contact partners for all questions concerning transport and distribution of water, gas and telecommunication data in plastic pipes, and the Packaging division is specialized in extrusion solutions for the packaging industry (such as thermoforming film for food packaging) as well as PVC granulators and PVC processing solutions.