Human capital and quality products: strengths for 55 years

At Plast 2018, Fimic, together with its entire staff and the numerous visitors expected to visit its stand, will be celebrating the company’s 55 years in the plastic materials industry. The fair will see the company presenting its most recent innovations, as well as its new ideas currently under development. The protagonists of the celebration of this important anniversary will, of course, include well-established products from the manufacturer's range, in particular the ERA filter, which was a finalist at the PRSE Awards in Amsterdam and one of the APR Plastic Recycling Showcase 2018 winners.

Many years have gone by since Antonio Canaia, almost to test himself, produced his first filter, a photo of which he keeps in his office. But in all this time, the “engine” that has driven and guided him over the years, i.e. his passion, has never once faltered.

Confucius said that if you do something you love, then you’ll never work another day in your life, and this is a motto that encapsulates the true strength of Fimic. Antonio is a team leader, who gets stuck in every day, getting his hands dirty and sharing the hard work with his “lads”; he is a great listener who instils confidence in them and gives them fuel for their ideas and initiatives. He is flanked by his wife Rosanna, a tireless factotum who takes care of the economic-financial and administrative side of things, working mostly “behind the scenes”, playing a key role as an organizer and pillar of the company, keeping everything on an even keel. And then there is their daughter Erica, who, embodying both the present and the future of Fimic, manages the commercial side with a mixture of tenacity, determination and farsightedness, injecting into the company the drive that has allowed it to grow exponentially in recent years. Last but not least is the 15-strong team of employees, who are regarded more as a family than a group of co-workers.

This human capital, together with its high quality products, are the real strengths of Fimic. Each filter is made entirely in Italy, and sold only if the manufacturer is absolutely sure that it represents the ideal and most functional solution for the user. In the past two years, the company has undergone a rapid expansion and seen its payroll rise from eight to 15 people, partly a result of the growing attention paid to the after-sales phase. Indeed, Fimic considers the support it provides after the purchase of its products to be every bit as important as securing the purchase itself.