Moretto among the top 500 SMEs in Italy

The Padua-based manufacturer, Moretto, is one of the 500 companies included in the “Champions 2019” list. The entries were selected by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, which analysed the performance of the Italian SMEs that recorded a turnover between 20 and 120 million euros. The evaluation involved the financial statements of the companies as well as their profitability, their management and administration structures, their ability to reach high employment levels and to anticipate long-term market trends, and their commitment to investments and development.

The research, conducted by the Centro Studi ItalyPost research centre together with Crédit Agricole and with the participation of Auxiell, Glasford International and Equinox, was presented in Piazza Affari on March 15, on the second anniversary of the publication of “L’Economia” supplement of the Italian newspaper. The study’s results led to the selection of 600 Italian SMEs which stood out for having achieved, by December 31, 2017, high levels of growth, profitability, capitalisation and financial independence, reaching a minimum growth rate of 7% and, during the last three fiscal years, an average Ebitda of 10%, an NFP/Ebitda ratio of 1.8, and at least a BBB ModeFinance rating. Of these 600 companies, 500 generated a turnover of 20-120 million euros, while the other 100 recorded sales of 120-500 million euros, falling into the “Super Champions” category.